ByUmar Ali – February 5, 2020
Do you know how to stop WhatsApp from auto-saving images and videos to your camera roll or phone? WhatsApp is the best messaging application and owned by Facebook. It provides the best platform to send text messages, photos, videos, voice messages, voice and video calls, other media files and user location, etc. You can share your best or amazing movements with your friends and family. It is a specific well-known application, having more than one billion active users and also for other users has become the best contact app of his choice. According to a report every day some of the 60 billion messages are sent over the WhatsApp application. The popularity of users on this app because of the encrypted service and meaningful for both persons you are communicating.
So WhatsApp will auto-save photos or videos to your phone gallery. This option is a good idea for you. But if you are a member of different chats groups, this will consume the storage space of your phone. Let’s scroll down to know how to disable WhatsApp from auto-saving images.
If you are receiving photos and videos on WhatsApp and by default, all save to your gallery and camera Roll in the Photos app on your Smartphone. You can control on your Android and iPhone by switching off the toggle that controls automatic media (Photos and videos) from WhatsApp. Let’s show the way to stop WhatsApp from automatically downloading all media files etc.
Read:How to Set Empty or Blank WhatsApp Status
Stop WhatsApp from Auto-Saving all media files on Android
The users of Android can stop WhatsApp the by default option of auto-saving all media files (images & videos) in the following below process and steps:
Prevent WhatsApp from Auto-Saving All Media Files on Android phone
- Open your WhatsApp app on your Android phone
- Tap on the Three-dot option from the top toolbar
- Select the Settings option from the menu
- Now tap on the Data and Storage usage option
- Go to Media auto-download section where you can manage three optionsUsing Cellular Data (Uncheck all media boxes)When Connected on Wi-Fi (Uncheck all media boxes)When Roaming (Uncheck all media boxes)
- Finally uncheck the all four option boxes, Photos, Audio, Videos, and Documents
- Then tap on the OK option to save your changes
Stop WhatsApp from auto-saving to Phone Gallery on Android Device
If you don’t want to disable the auto-download option and you want tostop WhatsApp to show up media in your mobile Gallery app. You can do this inthe following steps:
- Open your WhatsApp app
- Go to the Three-dots option
- Select the Settings option
- Tap on the Chats section under the settings
- After that go to the Media Visibility option and tap on the Toggle to switch off
So, now your newly downloaded media files (photos and videos) will notappear in your phone Gallery App.
Prevent a WhatsApp chat auto-download to your Android phone
You can stop a WhatsApp chat from auto-download to your android phonein the following steps:
- Tap to open your WhatsApp app
- Open a specific Chat you want to prevent
- Go to the Three-dots at the top right side
- Select the View Contact option
- Scroll down and tap on the Media Visibility
- Choose the No option from the pop-up window
Stop WhatsApp from automatically downloading Images on iPhone
The iPhone or iOS users can stop WhatsApp from by default option ofauto-saving of all media files (images & videos) to the Camera Roll in thePhotos app in the given below steps:
- Go to the WhatsApp app to turn off the feature
- Next, tap on the Settings tab or Cog icon
- Select the Chats option
- Tap on the Toggle beside the Save to Camera Roll option to switch off the Auto-download feature
- After that, the Photos and video will still download auto on your iPhone. But it will save in the WhatsApp memory
- You can manually save a Photo or Video to your iPhone Camera Roll Photo app
- Tap to open the Photo or Video and select the Share option
- Select the Save option
How to Stop WhatsApp from Auto-Saving to App Memory
In the above method, the WhatsApp will still be keeping download all media files to its app store. But you can stop to auto-saving or automatically downloading weather to its storage or iPhone Camera Roll Photo app. So you will need to follow the described steps:
- First Navigate your WhatsApp app on your iPhone or iOS devices
- Tap on the Settings tab on your mobile screen
- Go to the Data and Storage Usage option and tap to open itSelect the Photo option and tap on the Never optionTap on the Audio option and tap on the Never optionPress the Videos option and tap on the Never optionThen select Documents section as well and tap on the Never option
- For all sections select the Never option and tap Ok to save it
- After that when you received any Media file, you will see a Download option
- Finally, tap on the Download option if you want to download the media
How to Prevent Media Files from a WhatsApp chat for an iPhone
In this way you can stop auto-saving media files from specific WhatsAppchat to your iPhone Camera roll photo gallery in the following give steps:
- First, launch your WhatsApp app on iPhone device
- Tap to open a specific Chat you would like to prevent downloading photo, videos, and other media files
- Next tap on the Group or Person Name of this chat
- Then go down to the option Save to Camera Roll
- Select the Never option
- You will need to repeat the process for each Chat or Group where you want to stop the auto-saving or downloads off
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FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppUmar Alihttps://www.dowpie.comUmar Ali is a passionate content writer. He feeds many blogs with his unique content. He loves creating contents tutorial content. And contribute many guest articles on different websites.