Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations Used Online

Most Common Acronyms and Abbreviations use online

You will learn what BAE, INB$, BTFO and other tons of more acronyms and abbreviations stand for, meaning, difference and how to use it. If you are going online or using an instant messaging app or text message and come across an acronym or abbreviation that seems to make sense to all people but you. In this article you will see the most popular acronyms and abbreviations that using online, Email, Chat, SMS and Text messages.

What is the Difference between Acronyms and Abbreviations?


An acronym from the Latin word acro- meaning “beginning”+ -onym meaning “word, name” is a name or word from the initial components of alonger phrase or name usually using the individual initial letters or from theletters of the descriptive title or name. For example, EU or NATO, butsometimes is using syllables, as in Benelux, or a mixture of the two, as inradar.


  1. ASAP: As soon as possible
  2. Radar: radio detecting and ranging

The word initialism uses the same way. But the word orphrase is pronounced letter by letter.


  1. UAE-UnitedArab Emirate
  2. BBC:British Broadcasting Corporation

And last but not least, there are many units and/ orsymbols of reference, like kg for kilogram or min for a minute.


An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase,by anyway and used mainly in the writing to represent the entire form. Drivefrom Latin word brevi³re → brevis meaning “short”. It may consist of a grouplower cases of letters do count or words taken from the full version of phraseor word usually has a full stop at the end.


  1. Dr. for Doctor
  2. Approx for approximate
  3. Abbr. for abbreviation
  4. Pro. For Professor

Why Acronyms are so popular this time?

The important reason of why acronyms are so broadly used. Now days has everything to do with the time it takes to enter out a word. It is easier and faster to type only three letters out than it is to type completely.

More public is also conversation or chatting using their Smartphone, mean of this they are on the go when sending text messages, commenting on a Reddit thread or Tweeting on Twitter, updating their Facebook statuses. All the people are busy, and nobody has time to waste typing on their own mobile phone devices – That is why the acronyms are so handy.

When You Should (and Shouldn’t) Use Acronyms

The best time to of using acronyms in casual chatting betweenrelatives, beloved, friends, and acquaintances. If you are communicating withanyone about a professional matter – it is best to use proper grammar andspelling to be respectful.

Keeping Track of the Most Popular Acronyms and Abbreviations

New acronyms and abbreviations are rising up every day and there’s an unlimited number of them available. Some are used by almost everybody while others don’t catch on very well.

Most Popular Online Acronyms

Let’s show you a brief cheat sheet or list of some of the most used acronyms, web abbreviations, and internet slang used online. Whenever you want to clear your acronyms and phrase, consider re-marking this page, or that you need to find out when you recognized a term.

Cheat Sheet of Acronyms

Acronyms Meaning ?/10 Funny stats, like “10/10 would snuggle that puppy”, or “10/10 that car is amazing” AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIC As Far As I’m Concerned AFK Away from Keyboard AFAIR As Far As I Recall/Remember AAMOF As a Matter of Fact ACK Acknowledgment AKA Also known as 2F4U Too Fast For You 4YEO FYEO For Your Eyes Only B2K BTK Back to Keyboard BTW By the Way BTT Back to Topic B/C Because CTFU Cracking The F*** Up CU See you C&P Copy and Paste CYS Check your Settings DS Dear Son DIY Do it Yourself DGMW Don’t get me wrong EOM End of Message EOBD End of Business Day EOD End of Discussion EOT End of Thread / .. Text / .. Transmission FWIW For What It’s Worth FWM F*** With Me FKA Formerly known as FAQ Frequently asked Questions FACK Full Acknowledge FTW Fuck the World / For the Win FWIW For what it’s Worth FYI / JFYI (Just) For your Information HBIC Head B**** In Charge HTH Hope this Helps HT Hat Tip HIFW, HIFRW How I Feel When, How I Feel Right When HF Have fun HRU How Are You? HML Hit My Line IDK I Don’t Know IDGI I Don’t Get It IDTS I Don’t Think So IGHT Alright IIRC If I Recall Correctly, If I Remember Correctly IKR? I Know, Right? ILY I Love You IRL In Real Life (used to talk about something that is not online) IMHO In My Humble Opinion, In My Honest Opinion IMY I Miss You IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean IMO In My Opinion inb4 In Before (used to indicate superiority somehow) ISTG I Swear To God JFC Jesus F***ing Christ KMSL Killing Myself Laughing KTFO Knocked The F*** Out LGHT Let God Handle That LML Love My Life LOL Laugh Out Loud LMA Leave Me Alone LMK Let Me Know LOML Love Of My Life MFW My Face When MHM Mhmm (Yes) MMW Mark my Words MRW My Reaction When; Me Right When MT Modified Tweet, Mistell, Missed Tell MWF Married White Female/Monday, Wednesday, Friday NBD No Big Deal noob n00b Newbie N/A Not Available / Applicable NGL Not Gonna Lie NRN No Reply Necessary NSFB Not Safe For Breakfast or Bedtime (disturbing content) NaN Not a Number NMU Not Much, You? NOYB None of your Business NNTR No need to Reply OFN On Foe Nem OTOH On the other Hand OT Off-Topic OOMF One Of My Followers/Friends OMG Oh My God, Oh My Goodness, Oh My Gosh OP Original Poster (original person who posted the story) OMD Oh My Damn OTW On The Way POV Point of View PTFO Passed The F*** Out PEBKAC Problem exists between Keyboard and Chair RGR Roger RUH Are You Horny RSVP Repondez s’il vous plait (French: Please reply) RN Right Now RTFM Read the fine Manual RT Retweet ROTFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing Shawty An Attractive Woman SMDH Shaking My Damn Head SCNR Sorry, could not Resist SMH Shaking My Head SOML Story of My Life SFLR Sorry, for late Reply SPOC Single Point of Contact TBA To be Announced TWSS That’s What She Said TBH To Be Honest TBC To be Continued / To be Confirmed TFTI Thanks For The Invite TIA Thanks in Advance TBT Truth Be Told TFW That Feel When TTFN Ta-Ta For Now TGIF Thanks God, its Friday THNX Thanks TMR Tomorrow THX TNX Thanks TIL Today I Learned TL;DR Too Long; Didn’t Read TYVM Thank You Very Much TYT Take your Time TMW Tomorrow TQ Thank You TTYL Talk to you Later TMYK The More You Know TMI Too Much Information TTYTT To Tell You The Truth WTV Whatever WFH Working From Home WYM What Do You Mean WTH What The Hell/Heck WUD What You Doing YOLO You Only Live Once WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get YWA You’re Welcome YH Yeah YMMV Your Mileage May Vary (usually in reference to a personal anecdote that won’t be universally applicable)

Most Popular Online Abbreviations and Text Messaging(Short Message Service)

I will share with you the most common and famousabbreviations for text messaging or the internet on your Smartphone. You canget easily all the text shortcuts, acronyms, and abbreviations used by moreexperienced users. The below list will help you out and including a compilationof fifty most popular and common abbreviations used in the social mediaplatforms, text messages IMS, etc. Where users can use only short letters or afew type letters to chat an idea or thought.

Cheat Sheet SMSAbbreviations and Text Messaging

2moro Tomorrow 2nte Tonight AEAP As Early as Possible ASAP As Soon as Possible ALAP As Late as Possible ASL Age / Sex / Location? B4YKI Before You Know it B3 Blah, Blah, Blah BM&Y Between Me and You BRB Be right Back BRT Be right There BFF Best Friends, Forever BTAM Be that as it May CTN Cannot talk now C-P Sleepy CWOT Complete Waste of Time CUS See You Soon CYT See You Tomorrow EM? Excuse Me? EOD End of Day E123 Easy as 1, 2, 3 FC Fingers Crossed FOAF Friend of a Friend F2F Face to Face GR8 Great HAK Hugs and Kisses IDK I Don’t Know IDC I Don’t Care ILU / ILY I Love You IRL In Real Life IMU I Miss You J/K Just Kidding JTLYK Just to Let You Know JC Just Checking KMN Kill Me Now KFY Kiss for You KPC Keeping Parents Clueless L8R Later MoF Male or Female MYOB Mind Your Own Business MTFBWY May the Force be with You NC No Comment NAZ Name, Address, ZIP N-A-Y-L In a While NP No Problem NTIM Not that it Matters NM Never Mind / Nothing Much NSFW Not Safe for Work NIMBY Not in my Backyard NVM Never Mind OIC Oh, I See OATUS On a totally Unrelated Subject OTL Out to Lunch OMW On My Way OTP On the Phone PAL Parents are Listening P911 Parent Alert PIR Parent in Room PAW Parents are Watching PROP(S) Proper Respect / Proper Recognition POS Parent over Shoulder QT Cutie RU Are You RN Right Now SITD Still in the Dark SEP Someone else’s Problem SMIM Send Me an Instant Message SLAP Sounds like a Plan SO Significant Other TMI Too Much Information UR Your / You are WB Welcome Back W8 Wait WYWH Wish You Were Here WYCM Will You Call Me? XOXOXOX Hugs, Kisses, …

Important Note:

Keep in mind one thing if using the above acronyms are written in All CAPS, it is not compulsory to use the lowercase or capital letters, and most users tend to mix upper it depending on your own taste. If you use caps for the acronyms themselves is normally not considered poor netiquette, however writing whole sentences or words in ALL CAPS is usually read as shouting, and thus easily considered offensive.

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