Microsoft To-do taking over Wunderlist shutting down

ByUmar Ali – April 1, 2020Wunderlist shutdown taking over by Microsoft todo

Do you know Wunderlist is shutting down May 6, 2020? Here’s what you need to know? Microsoft has decided to discontinue the could-based task management app Wunderlist on May 6th, 2020, to be migrated to its To-Do app or application.

Founded in theyear of 2011 by Berlin-based startup 6Wunderkinder, Wunderlist was acquired byMicrosoft Company in 2015, at which time the application had over 13 millionusers.

As per a blog post, that Wunderlist will no more accept new Wunderlist users sing-up. However, Users can sign up to Microsoft To-Do app accounts to enjoy the update technologies and updates.

Wunderlist issupporting its users to sign up or switch to the Microsoft To-Do applicationsaying “we are confident in To-Do being the best another for Wunderlist now andso we believe it is the right time to make the next move.”

In the meantime,Microsoft has working to ensure the users’ relative features — like steps(subtasks), file attachments, listgroups (folders), sharing and task assignments — made their path over toMicrosoft To-Do.

In the month of September, Microsoft has unveiled one moreupgrade for To-Do which indicates the Wunderlist shutdown could be nearing,with the addition of smart lists, new backgrounds and a personalized dailyplanner offering smart suggestions of tasks to be accomplished. It alsointegrated To Do with other Microsoft applications like Cortana, Outlook,Microsoft Launcher, and Microsoft Planner on Android.

Here is an updated video of Wunderlist ever explaining the move, bidding farewell to their application and welcoming Do To.

Feeling confused? What is, exactly, going beyond what is happening exactly, and discover all your options?

User Dislike This News

terrible news.

— jamie nolan (@dcjams) march 12, 2020

nono no no….😭 my precious @wunderlist isgoing away. my whole life is organized in there. send me your fav cloud-basedto do list app recommendations, friends. no microsoft products.🙅🏻‍♀️ #productivity

— jamie nolan (@dcjams) march 12, 2020

Some Others are Excited

What happens now?

In simple words, nothing is going to change because theWunderlist will still continue to work. Only the new users or people can’t signup for the service, but existing users can still able to sign in to thedesktop, web, and mobile versions.

What happens when users try to use Wunderlist after May 6, 2020? According to the official info, from Wunderlist blog post announcing the shutdown:

Able to Login

This means thatold users will still be able to log in and view their task after May 6. Userswho intend to move to Microsoft To-Do may wait until they shutdown happens andmove their tasks then. That is great! Feel free to continue to useWunderlist.

Move to Another service

For users who won’t move to another service, however, itshould probably work before May 6. The Wunderlist post does not explain thatusers will not be able to move data after the shutdown date. But read betweenthe lines and what it is means: the post mentions users can export data beforethe shutdown, but only mentions migrating to Microsoft To-Do after. After thedue date, Wunderlist to-dos will no longer sync, but users will still be ableto import their content into Microsoft’s own To-Do app.

How to migrate your tasks to another app

If you want to migrate your task to other applicationsthen continue to read the post for your information and guidance.

How to Switching to To-Do is a snap

Do you know how to migrate or switch to To-Do is a snap?If you have been with Wunderlist for a while, you probably keep a lot of yourlife in our application. You haveplanned it all-from holidays to groceries to birthday parties, or maybe evenyour wedding or function. We are here to help you pack that life up andtransfer it to To Do. We will even unpack at the other end. So what are youwaiting for? Press that download button.

How to Import your Lists from Wunderlist to To Do

Here are these steps to follow to import your lists fromWunderlist to To-Do on your all devices like Android, Mac, iOS, or Windows orwith the Microsoft To-Do App:

  1. First Download To Do on yourAndroid, iOS, Mac, or Window
  2. You can also open the To-DoWeb app on your computer
  3. Click on the Get Started option
  4. Sign in with your Microsoft Account
  5. A Pop-up box will, uhh, pop up in To Do, directing you to our Wunderlist importer. Do not see it?
  6. Find a Link to the importer in your settings.

Ge Stared With To-do Microsoft.comGo to Wunderlist Setting to Import you listSign in Microsoft Account with Enter your Email, phone, or Skype and Next

Note: If you do not have a Microsoft account, you can create one with your preferred email address (including Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail). Or, if you have a Skype, Xbox or Live account, you can use that.

How to Send Wunderlist data to other apps

If you are thinking the Microsoft To-Do is not right for you then don’t worry. Let’s help you and show you some of the best options. Many of the great to-do applications provide you with official migration tools that can grab your Wunderlist tasks for you. Here are some of the couple:

You can also export your Wunderlist tasks at

You will be required your email address and sent a message when the data is ready. Then you will receive a ZIP file with all of your tasks in different formats. You can access this as an archive if you like, but you can also import your tasks to apps like Things and Remember the Milk, among others.

How to Migrateyour tasks using Zapier App

If your preferred Wunderlist alternative does not support transferring tasks, do not worry: We have got a workaround for you to help you with this issue.

Let’s show Wunderlist integration is Zapier, and it is actually one of the most famous ones for you to help you. It will give you the right way to export information from Wunderlist to thousand of apps, including OmniFocus, Google Tasks, Nozbe, and Trello.

Steps to Migrate Your Tasks Using Zapier

Here are these steps to follow to migrate your tasksusing Zapier App:

  1. Visit to sign up for Zapier if you don’t already
  2. You can also make a new Zap using Wunderlist as the first step
  3. Use Task Completed as the trigger steps
  4. Choose which List you would like to import tasks from then select which application you would like to migrate your tasks to
  5. We will start to use the Google Tasks, which does not offer a Wunderlist migration tool
  6. Now set up the options template for your tasks
  7. Note that you can map thing such as Title, Notes, & due dates of your Wunderlist tasks to your new application fields
  8. Just click on the Field button (it looks like many horizontal line bars with a small + sign)
  9. Then choose what you want to map to where
  10. Click on the Continue option when you are finished
  11. Now turn on your Zap
  12. Now you can see your tasks in the Wunderlist group you select before and they will appear in your new application pretty much instantly

Sign in to Get Started to WunderlistChoose App and Choose Trigger EventaltCustomize Task, List, Title, Notes, Due on, & ContinueHow to Select by Menu with Plus sign to add TitleCheck your Task

This isn’t perfect:

This will only work with one list at one time, meaning you will have to edit the Zap for each list you want to migrate. You can copy and paste maybe just for short tasks. But if you have got a massive backlog of tasks to transfer to an application without a migration tool, this way works. Give it a shot if you are stuck.

Why is this happening?

You will maybe surprised that Wunderlist is shutting down, or you might imagine that it happened a year before. Both thoughts are reasonable.

Wunderlist is one of the great application to-do list apps on the market, and it is also quite famous. It is one of the top apps among a list of 50 applications here at Zapier for example. This is not an application that is closing because of a decline in quality or popularity. This planned demolition, and if anything, one that is behind schedule. Microsoft Company was going to shut down Wunderlist back in 2017. But ultimately opted not to

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FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppUmar Alihttps://www.dowpie.comUmar Ali is a passionate content writer. He feeds many blogs with his unique content. He loves creating contents tutorial content. And contribute many guest articles on different websites.