How to Turn On Dark Mode in Google Docs in Chrome and App

ByUmar Ali -April 26, 2021

Do you know how to enable/disable dark mode in Google Docs using Web and App? In most cases, you will see Google Docs as a default light theme. But there is a simple and easy method to enable or turn it on dark mode on your Google Chrome, Android, iPhone, and iPad while writing on your PC. In this article you will learn about how to turn on and off Dark Mode in Google Docs, you should know that the instructions are exactly the same for Google Slides and Google Sheets.

Important Note: May this option or feature is not available for all users for a reason. Flags may negatively impact and not work correctly on your web browser’s performance. Enable flag at your own risk.

Read: How to Turn on Dark Mode Google Chrome

Turn Dark Mode in Google Docs on Google Chrome

Google Chrome lets you enable dark mode on desktop i.e, Mac, Linux, and Windows in Google Docs. But keep in mind that this way forces dark mode on all websites. You will need to walk through these steps, but you should know that, during the writing of this post, it is a hidden feature behind a Chrome flag.

  • Open your Google Chrome web browser on your Computer
  • Click in the Address bar and type chrome://flags hit the enter key
  • Type the Force Dark Mode in the search box at the top to look it
  • Now click on the drop-down menu next to the Force Dark Mode for web Contents
  • Select the Enabled option from the menu
  • Then Chrome will ask you to relaunch the web browser to apply the changes you made it. Confirm that you do not have any unsaved work in the web browser, and then press the Relaunch option
  • Go to the Google Docs website and you will view that the web page is now black color and that the font color is now white.

Open Chrome and go to chrome flagsClick on drop-down Next to Force Dark Mode for Web ContentSelect the Enabled to turn Dark ModeSelect the Relaunch optionEnable Dark Mode on Google Docs

Read: How to Force Dark Mode on Every Website in Google Chrome

How Disable Dark Mode on Google Docs Google Chrome

If you want to turn off the Dark Mode feature on Google Docs Google Chrome on your Computer. Then you will need to follow the given steps:

  • Open Google Chrome web browser on your PC
  • Type chrome://flags in the address bar and then press enter key
  • Click on the Drop-down menu next to the Force Dark Mode for Web content
  • Next, Chrome will ask you to relaunch your web browser by press the Relaunch button at the bottom
  • Finally, the dark mode will disable or turn off and you will see Google Docs in light theme.

Disable Force Dark Mode on Chrome web browserRelaunch the Chrome web browser

Read: Turn on Dark Mode themes on Google Play Store

Turn on Dark Mode on Google Docs for Android or iPhone

The Google Docs app all you to enable dark mode (switch between light and dark themes) on your Android and iPhone devices. If you have turned on systemwide dark mode on iPhone or Android, Google Docs will have it enabled by default. If you also among those users and want to enable dark mode on the Google Docs app only, here is the following way what you required to do it.

  • Tap on the Google Docs app to open on your mobile device
  • Now tap on the Three-line menu in the top-left corner
  • Then select the Settings from the menu
  • Here choose the Theme option which will let you choose the dark mode. This option is called Choose Theme on an Android device
  • Select the Dark theme
  • Now entire documents in Google Docs will open in dark mode. However, you can see the documents in light of them if you want. Let’s show you how to do that, tap on any document in Google Docs and select the three-dot menu option in the upper-right corner.
  • Switch the Toggle on next to the View in Light Theme option
  • This will turn on entire documents in Google Docs to view its in-light theme, while the Dark mode is still enabled.

Go to Google Docs Settings and Choose ThemeChoose Dark Mode Theme to Enable on Google Docs

Read: How to Enable Dark Mode themes on Gmail

How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Google Docs for Android or iPhone

If you want to disable dark mode in Google Docs mobile app that you enabled before (Switch between dark and light themes). Here are the following steps to turn it off dark mode or dark theme to light theme.

  • Open the Google Docs app on your Mobile phone
  • Tap on the three-dot menu in the top left side corner
  • Select the Settings option from the menu
  • Choose the theme option which will allow you to choose the light mode.
  • Select the Light theme or Set by battery saver option
  • Finally, Google Dark mode will switch to the Light theme.

Tap on Choose Theme option and Enable Light Mode option


Here are the following question ask by various people and might you are interested to read it.

How to make Google Docs dark mode on PC?

Dark mode for those users late nights working on Google Docs! This extension or flag switch the style of Google Docs from a light theme to a dark theme that is relaxed and easier on the eyes and looks cooler:) The page color and dark mode can be toggled enable and disabled by clicking on the extension icon.

Enable Google Docs dark mode in Windows 10

To turn on Dark mode on Google Docs, Slides, or Sheets on your Device. The method to enable dark mode on entires these applications is the same. Tap on the Three-line bars or hamburger icon. Go to the Settings and select choose theme option. Select the Dark to turn on mode for the app.

How to change Google Docs to dark mode on pc

Open your Google Chrome web browser on your PC and type chrome://flags/#enable-force-dark in the address bar and hit the enter key. You will see Force Dark Mode for Web Content as disabled. Click on the drop-down menu and select enable this option. Finally, click on the Relaunch option to restart the Google Chrome browser to take effect the changes you made.

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Umar Alihttps://dowpie.comUmar Ali is a passionate content writer. He feeds many blogs with his unique content. He loves creating contents tutorial content. And contribute many guest articles on different websites.