Do you know how to enable to make Google Auto-delete your location and web history? Google keeps collects and remembers data info about your daily activity contains your search, web, and location history. According to the source that for the new users after 18 months Google now automatically deletes their history on the web. But it will keep remembering history forever if you enabled before this function with the default options.
As a current user, to make Google remove or delete your data information after 18 months. You will need to visit your activity settings and change this option. You can also tell Google to automatically delete your activity after 3 months period or stop activity collection completely.
Make Google Auto-Delete Your Web, YouTube, and Location History
Let’s show how to find these options to Make Google Auto-Delete your web and location history in the following steps:
How to Make Google Auto-Delete You Web & App Activity
- Visit the Activity Controls page with your browser
- Now Sign in to your Google Account with your credentials (If you are not already logged in)
- Scroll down and click on the Auto-delete option under the Web & App Activity on your Activity control page
- Select one the option when you like to delete data info After 3 months or 18 months
- Click on the Next option
- Confirm your action to continue to the deletion process
Note: Keep in mind that Google uses this history to personalize your experience, including your web browser recommendations and search results. Deleting data information will make your Google experience less personalized.
How to Make Google Auto-delete Location History
If you want to auto-delete your location history on Google then follow these steps:
- Go to the Location History Section on the Activity Control Page
- Select Auto-delete option under the Location History
- Select one the option when you like to delete data info After 3 months or 18 months
- Click on the Next option
- Confirm your action to continue to the deletion process
How to Make Google Auto-Delete YouTube History
Let’s follow these below steps to auto-delete YouTube history on Google:
- Go to the YouTube History Section on the Activity Control Page
- Select Auto-delete option under the Location History
- Select one the option when you like to delete data info After 3 months or 18 months
- Click on the Next option
- Confirm your action to continue to the deletion process
In case you want to pause or disable activity history collection. By selecting the slider to the right of a type of data. If it turns to gray color, it’s disabled. If it’s blue, it’s enabled.
In case the Auto-delete option for a type of data, history is turn to gray color. That is due to you have paused or disabled the collection of that data.
You can also visit the My Activity page and use the Delete activity by option in the left sidebar. To manually remove or delete different types of data info stored in your Google account.
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