How to Increase Add limit in WhatsApp Group 10k Members

Ifyou are admin of WhatsApp by default you have the authority to add, block orremove someone from the group. Do you want to increase add more friends to yourWhatsApp group? For the sharing purpose of some information, it is always thebest idea to have a lot of friends or people in a WhatsApp chat group.

There is a limit of members that can be added to a WhatsApp group. However, you can increase the limit by adding more people to a chat group then you need to apply the below-given tricks. Therefore, you can use the tricks to add 3k up to 10k people in your WhatsApp group. Increase the limit of 2020.

Why is the limited up to 256 users in a WhatsApp group?

The actual reason for the user’s limit is unknown in WhatsApp Group but it is the decision of the company and trying to increase the limitation day by day. However, some of the reasons are explained in detail below for your information and guidance.

Reasons for Limitation of Users in WhatsApp Group

Thereare some of the reasons which make a cause of limit users in WhatsApp Group.

Prioritizes Group Members:

If the members in a WhatsApp chat group limited then the related friends will be the first desire for the admin, thus trying to create the group more valuable in all way.

Limiting the chats:

There is no doubt of limiting users will limit their usage automatically per WhatsApp group. Suppose, if a user adds an unlimited number of members in the WhatsApp group. So the members of the group will face issues to view all chats when everyone is posting. It is very difficult to scroll upward always to view all the messages thus will lose interest in the group.

Internal issue:

Maybe there is an internal issue in WhatsApp. Because of that issue the app prevents admins to add more than the allowed limit people in a WhatsApp group. WhatsApp company is trying to improve its system and increasing the limit of users. We can expect to get a hike in the WhatsApp group member limit.

How to Add up to 3k users sharing invite Link (without root)

The limit of 256 users in a WhatsApp Group is a myth. Therefore, you can add more than the limit people into a single WhatsApp chat group by sharing the invite link. According to the limit, policy, you can add up to 256 users by yourself but that is not the actual group limit. So if you want to add more than the limit from 256 up to 3k. For that purpose, this trick will be helpful for you to increase the limit of the group users.

Steps to Increase Users in a WhatsApp Group

Hereare the steps to increase the limit of the users from 256 up to 3000 users viasharing the invite link:

  1. Tap to open your WhatsApp app
  2. Then tap on the WhatsApp Group to open
  3. Select the Three-dots or Menu from the upper right corner
  4. Tap on the Group info from the menu
  5. After that, tap on Invite to Group via Link
  6. Then Share the Link with other users and friends in other groups

Open WhatsApp and tap on Group NameChoose the Group Info OptionSelect Invite via Link option Increase Add limitNext tap on Share Link to Increase Add limit

After that, when the users are taping on the link then he or she can join the WhatsApp chat group even if the limit of the crossed over 256, thus several people in a single WhatsApp group increases the limit up to 3000.

How to Increase WhatsApp Group limit using ES-Explorer

If you want to add more than 10k users in a WhatsApp chat group while using the ES-Explorer method. This is the best app you should try to increase the limit of people in chat groups. In this way, your phone device must be rooted in using ES-Explorer. You need to download and install the ES-Explorer file manager from the Google play store. Just you need to follow the simple steps below to increase the limit.

Beforegoing to start just check if the Root Explorer app is switched on then followthe next stage.

Switch Toggle to enable Root Explorer

Steps to Using ES-Explorer to Increase users Limit

  1. First, open the ES-Explorer app
  2. The tap on main Menu or Three lines bar icon
  3. Next, select the Local option and then Home from the menu
  4. Find the Folder of Android and tap to open it
  5. After that, find the Data Folder and then tap on the Data folder you will redirect to next screen
  6. Then tap on the folder with the name of com.whatsapp and this your target
  7. Once open then you will get another folder with the name of Shared_prefs
  8. When you open the folder then you will get the file name com.whatsapp_prefer
  9. Next, tap the file and from the More option select the Properties
  10. Then tap on the Change option to change the permissions
  11. Tick all Permissions and Save it
  12. Finally, tap to open the file in HTML format and find the line participants_size_limit and change the values with 9999

Tap on the HomeTap on the Android FolderData Foldercom.whatsapp folderTap on com.whatsapp_preferSelect the Three dots and tap the properties Increase Add limitTap on Change option Increase Add limitTick the permission and Ok Increase Add limitTap the OK optionEdit the Participants_size_limit to value Increase Add limit

That’sall. Now you increased the limit for adding users in a single WhatsApp chatgroup. However, you can change any value there to increase the limit of usersto unlimited.


Tosummarize the above method is the best option to increase the limit of a singleWhatsApp group user to unlimited. For this purpose, the ES-Explorer is the bestapplication to use but this will be required to root your device. However, you can share the group invite linkwith other users of the other groups and your friends without any limit.

Frequently Ask Questions by People

Let’s show yousome of the frequently asked a question by people related to increasing thelimit of the WhatsApp group.

How can I add more than 256 in the WhatsApp group?

You can add more than 256 up to 10k by installing of ES-Explorer app and then set up as mention in the above method. Then you need to open your WhatsApp and share the add link with other chat groups and your friends on WhatsApp.

How can I increase the group limit in WhatsApp?

You can simply install the ES-Explorer and share the link with your WhatsApp friends and other chat groups. If you want to learn method then follow the above step by step instructions.

Is it possibleto add more than 256 members in the WhatsApp group?

Yes, you canincrease the limit of 256 up to 3000 members by using the share link with otherWhatsApp friends and chats groups. If you want to increase this limit to 10kusers then follow the above both methods to increase the limit of your WhatsAppchat members.

Can we increase WhatsApp group members?

Yes, to increase the number of limits in a single WhatsApp chat group from the 256 members or participants. Then you need to follow the above tricks, how you can increase the WhatsApp chat Group people limit from 256 up to 10k or even to unlimited.

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