How to Fix error code 0x80a4001e of Xbox 2020

Fix Xbox Error code 0x80a4001e

Do you know how to fix the Xbox error code 0x80a4001e in 2020? What is the Xbox? First, you must know about Xbox is a video gaming brand created, owned, and with three consoles developed by Microsoft company. When you are playing a game and face error code 0x80a4001e, then it can be an account issue. Did you encounter this problem when you were allowed to enter your login credentials in your Xbox one account? According to the Microsoft notification, this error will be face to you with log in to Xbox One.

What is the Xbox?

Xbox is a video game brandowned and created by Microsoft Company. It represents a sequence of video gameconsoles developed by Microsoft, with three consoles issued in the 6th, 7th,and 8th generations, one after another.

Five Methods to Fix error code 0x80a4001e

Here are the following best ways to solve this error code0x80a4001e of the Xbox game.

How to Fix Xbox error code 0x80a4001e in 2020

Method # 1 Delete Microsoft Account from the Game Console

You will need to follow these steps to fix this error code of Xbox game:

Steps to Follow

  1. First Delete Microsoft Account from your game console
  2. Login back to the account with your Account credentials
  3. If you click on the Lock it Down option then you will face the same problem again
  4. You will need to choose to Ask for my passkey or No barriers
  5. Then enter your Passcode again
  6. Another way to remove your Xbox Live Account
  7. Sign in back again it will also solve you’re an error
  8. After doing the above steps do not restart the Xbox consol
  9. Otherwise, it will show you White display
  10. You will need to Remove and Re-add your account once again

Now if the Xbox does not work after the above processthen you can shut the console down and Restart and add an account. I hope thiswill help you’re to run your game properly.

Method#2 Using Xbox Console Settings

If the above method fails to run the game thenthe Xbox Console will help you to fix the problem in the following steps:

  1. Go to the Settings in the Xbox console
  2. Click on the Network Settings
  3. Select NAT Test Type
  4. Press to set to Open the NAT instead of MODERATE


Method #3 Power Cycle YourXbox One Console

Let’s teach another way to fixthe error by power cycle your Xbox One console in the following steps:

  1. Click the Xbox button
  2. Then click on the System option
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Now select the Restart Console option
  5. Again press the Restart option

You can also the steps tophysically power cycle the console:

  1. Press the Xbox button for a long time up to 10 seconds
  2. Then it will Turn off your Console
  3. Now press on the Xbox button present on the console. You can also click the Button option on the controller.

Method #4 Disconnect and Re-connect Power Cables

You can fix the error by disconnect and re-connect powercables in the following steps:

  1. First Shut down your Xbox console and then Turn off the Power option
  2. Unplug the power cable of the Xbox for 10 seconds
  3. Then Reconnect the power cable and connection again
  4. Click the Xbox button option available on the console
  5. This will Turn on again the console


Method #5 Fix Xbox Live Connect Account

The error maybe with the Xbox live connecting account. You can follow the same steps as I mentioned in method # 1.

  1. First, check the Xbox Live Service account status
  2. Now log out from Xbox Live
  3. Then Test or Check the Xbox Live connection
  4. Before going to these steps Back up your Xbox Live profile to the Xbox one Console
  5. Remove or Delete your Xbox profile
  6. Now Restore Xbox profile
  7. After that, Troubleshoot the Xbox Live connection


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